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segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

Urgente - excelente oportunidade (apenas para Mackenzistas)

Dear students, 

Indra Future Minds is a global competition that reaches Europe, Latin America and Asia, and aims to find talents.

The competition is focused on solving a puzzle proposed by Indra, based on real projects of the company.

To apply students should be attending the last year of the Information Systems or Computer Science courses.

Indra is seeking talents with ability to work in teams, with good communication skills and fluent English. Indra´s commitment is to hire the best classified students (after earning their university degree) in the country they select among the Indra´s subsidiaries involved in the competition

If you are interested please send your resume to until 15/12/12. Visit and learn more about Indra Future Minds Competition.


Prof. Dr. Vivaldo José Breternitz